30 Servings • 7g of Healthy, Energy-Rich Fat Per Serving* • Enhance Physical Stamina & Mental Clarity* • Burn Stored Body Fat with L-Carnitine & CoQ10*
Delivering increased endurance, improved mental clarity, enhanced appetite control, and elevated physical performance, Wild C8 MCT is a revolutionary medium-chain triglyceride that maximizes your production of clean and sustainable energy.*
Wild C8 MCT is virtually pure caprylic acid (C8), the body's preferred choice of MCT for easily utilized and efficient energy.*
Delivering increased endurance, improved mental clarity, enhanced appetite control, and elevated physical performance, Wild C8 MCT is a revolutionary medium-chain triglyceride that maximizes your production of clean and sustainable energy. Wild C8 MCT is virtually pure caprylic acid (C8), the body's preferred choice of MCT for easily utilized and efficient energy.
Delivering increased endurance, improved mental clarity, enhanced appetite control, and elevated physical performance, Wild C8 MCT is a revolutionary medium-chain triglyceride that maximizes your production of clean and sustainable energy. Wild C8 MCT is virtually pure caprylic acid (C8), the body's preferred choice of MCT for easily utilized and efficient energy.
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), are a family of fats that are utilized as one of the best sources of clean energy for the body and brain. MCTs are found in foods like coconut oil, palm oil, butter, cheese, and milk.*
“Medium” refers to the chain length of the fatty acid and allows it to be converted into caloric energy more efficiently than carbohydrates.*
Triglycerides are transported into cells and burned for energy, making MCTs an ideal way to elevate your exercise performance, sustain backcountry endurance, or accelerate a nutrition program.*
With almost pure C8 (greater than 95%), Wild C8 MCT is optimized for the maximum production of cellular energy to fuel the brain and muscles.
By isolating C8, rapid and sustainable energy is produced by the body far and above the capabilities of regular MCT products or coconut oil which typically rely on less-than-optimal sources of MCT such as C10 and C12.
The included L-Carnitine in Wild C8 MCT maximizes your body's ability to utilize fatty acids for energy, burn stored body fat, and boost cognitive function.
We’ve also included Coenzyme Q10 to support your cells conversion of fat into usable energy, and to assist enzymes responsible for food digestion.*
With almost pure C8 (greater than 95%), Wild C8 MCT is optimized for the maximum production of cellular energy to fuel the brain and muscles. By isolating C8, rapid and sustainable energy is produced by the body far and above the capabilities of regular MCT products or coconut oil which typically rely on less-than-optimal sources of MCT such as C10 and C12.
The included L-carnitine in Wild C8 MCT maximizes your body's ability to utilize fatty acids for energy, burn stored body fat, and boost cognitive function. We’ve also included Coenzyme Q10 to support your cells conversion of fat into usable energy, and to assist enzymes responsible for food digestion.
We recommend mixing one scoop of Wild C8 MCT with your morning coffee, in your post workout shake, or in a Superman (Hydrate & Recover mixed with Energy & Focus) before a long and active day.
Wild C8 MCT is not flavored, but it will add creaminess and a thicker texture to any drink. In a nut shell, it makes anything that tastes good taste even better.
Wild C8 MCT is designed to be added to any drink mixture, ideally a healthy one. We add it to our coffee, our shakes, our Hydrate & Recover, even our Brute Force.
Quite the opposite- the healthy fats contained in Wild C8 MCT can help you burn stored body fat quickly. Through the cascading effect of increased energy, heightened metabolic activity, and better utilization of fat, Wild C8 MCT can help you effectively manage your weight. The ketones created from Wild C8 MCT also have positive effects on hunger hormones which control your appetite. Additionally, the added L-carnitine mobilizes fatty acids into the mitochondria of cells to help energy production and release stored body fat.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.