I’m really excited for you to get these emails, and our team is working really hard to build them. Everyday you’ll get workouts, recipes, tv show reviews, book reviews, favorite hikes, good news headlines and more.

We’re starting this now, and we’ll end it when we can go back to the gym.

We need your help. If you want to contribute to any of the sections of the newsletter, just reply to the newsletter with your advice, recipe, review, etc. and we’ll use as many submissions as we can.

Most importantly, and I cannot overstate this, we need your help to spread the word. Forward emails to a friend, share positive posts on social media, tell your friends and family about something that you read. We are determined to start agood news revolution. I know that it may seem small at first. But all revolutions start small.

We’re Wilderness Athletes. We’re loud, we’re brave and welead. We can make a real difference in the world right now and it starts with you. Change the conversations that you’re having and let’s get this country back on track.

Look out for tomorrow’s email and have a great day!

Stay Wild,
Courtney and the WA Team

Join the Newsletter

We believe the best thing that we can do to help our country is to spread good news. If you’re stuck at home right now, you’re probably scrolling through your phone a lot more than usual. Our goal is going to be to fill some of that extra time with helpful, uplifting and positive news.


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