The comfort and predictability built into our modern society has dulled our appreciation for adventure. As we see it, man-kind has been in the business of adventure since a "grocery store trip" carried with it the very real possibility of becoming somethings lunch. Business hasn’t been great in the paralyzing comforts we live in today, and so, we implore you to go far out, to ditch the pavement for dirt, to seek the thrills of uncertainty. We can’t guarantee what you will find, but we can guarantee it won’t be boring.


Rumor has it that in a handful of western states there are small nomadic populations of unicorns popping up. State agencies haven’t established a season for this mythical game species yet, so local hunters and Narnia fans have taken to catching them and tying them to the hood.


As if bears weren't dangerous enough, reports of armed bear muggings are beginning to surface across the country. So far, bears seem to be targeting road hunters and unarmed hikers that are close to trailheads. Until this situation is under control it is recommended that you carry small bills in bear country.


While the storyline and characters of Jurassic Park were science fiction, the science used to recreate dinosaurs was 100% real. Rather than being used to build a theme park, this brilliant and catastrophic discovery was used to breed milk producing dinosaurs that would yield the most nutrient-rich milk known to man. For obvious reasons, this was not a sustainable practice, and this shirt serves to commemorate the brave souls who grabbed a hold of those utters every day in the name of science.


The biggest joke played on the human race has just reached its punch line. As it turns out, the hundreds of Sasquatch sightings reported every year were not figments of imagination. Alien beings have been roaming our public lands in Sasquatch costumes for longer than we may ever know. It is yet to be decided which is the biggest discovery - that aliens actually exist, or that Sasquatch does not.


We’ve all had that hair on the back of your neck feeling like someone is watching you. You never know what and who could be right under your feet, watching your every step.


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