Wilderness Athlete +
The places he hunts and the animals he chases there certify Pedro Ampureo as one of the most skilled hunters in the world. In some of the most treacherous country on earth, Pedro is constantly pushing himself to the edge and demanding the most from his body. He is the epitome of a wilderness athlete.
The products fueling Pedro's performance in the field and in the gym.
“In my opinion, hunting is one of the hardest endurance sports there is. We spend hours a day hiking with heavy packs on at high elevations, eating very little food, limited access to water, and living on just a few hours of poor sleep in a tent, often day after day for an extended period of time. Our bodies eat themselves searching for fuel and our mind wants us to stop. Finding the right nutrient sources is key to staying sharp, motivated, and continuing to perform at a high level. Wilderness Athlete products allow me to push further and harder. Their Energy & Focus® and Hydrate & Recover® are my favorites, but their whole line of performance supplements make a huge difference when training for time in the mountains."