*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

What are Nootropics?
A dietary supplement that improves cognitive function, specifically executive functions like memory, creativity, and energy.

you are the type of person who makes things happen


You see a problem and tackle it head on, you redouble your efforts when results aren’t satisfactory.

That approach works wonderfully in so many situations, but may backfire when it comes to sleep.Getting great sleep doesn’t come from rigidly following a list of rules, largely because sleep is regulated by our most ancient ‘animal’ brains, and rules come from the most highly developed ‘human’ parts of our brains.

To put it another way, your ‘animal’ brain (hindbrain) will easily overwhelm your ‘human’ brain (forebrain) to keep you awake and alert unless it is convinced that you arenot in danger of being eaten in your sleep. Because the hindbrain operates on ancient physiology and instinct, it cannot be ‘ruled’ with language and logic, only guided by environment and mindset.

you are the type of person who makes things happen


You see a problem and tackle it head on, you redouble your efforts when results aren’t satisfactory.

That approach works wonderfully in so many situations, but may backfire when it comes to sleep. Getting great sleep doesn’t come from rigidly following a list of rules, largely because sleep is regulated by our most ancient ‘animal’ brains, and rules come from the most highly developed ‘human’ parts of our brains.

To put it another way, your ‘animal’ brain (hindbrain) will easily overwhelm your ‘human’ brain (forebrain) to keep you awake and alert unless it is convinced that you are not in danger of being eaten in your sleep. Because the hindbrain operates on ancient physiology and instinct, it cannot be ‘ruled’ with language and logic, only guided by environment and mindset.

Improve your mindset
and environment for great sleep


1. Keep it Cool
Experts say between 60-68 degrees Fahrenheit is optimal for sleep. This helps drop your body’s core temperature which is necessary for sleep onset.

2. Keep It Dark
Avoid blue light several hours before bedtime. Phones and computer screens are the most common sources of blue light and most have settings that can decrease or eliminate blue light emissions.

3. Unplug The Devices
Remove the TV from your bedroom and cell phone from your nightstand. This may seem difficult, but this alone will create an environment that allows your brain to relax and avoid stimulation. Try avoiding your phone and computer for at least 90 minutes before bed for six to eight weeks, then re-evaluate. You’ll see our point.

4. Build A Routine
A predictable, relaxing series of events in the evening goes a long way toward lulling your mind into a relaxed state and ready for sleep.

5. Careful Consumption
Caffeine: Consumed closer than six hours to bedtime WILL disrupt your sleep quality.
Nicotine: The immediate “kick” experienced after consumption is a result of the drugs stimulus of the adrenal gland which releases epinephrine (adrenaline).
Alcohol: While alcohol consumption can cause sleep onset, as it’s metabolized it acts as a rebound stimulant, causing wakefulness or restfulness several hours later.

This text was borrowed from Dr. Carla Denham’s article on sleep on the Wilderness Athlete Journal. Click here to read the article in its entirety.

unplug your brain

Unplug is meant to help your brain become a better environment for sleep, so you’re animal brain can relax and allow you to drift off.




Magnolia Bark Extract
Promotes the peaceful sensation that leads to the non-rapid eye movement phase of sleep. Honokiol is an active constituent in magnolia bark that is responsible for its sedative properties and support of uninterrupted sleep duration.

Valerian Extract
Reduces feelings of anxiety, decreases stress, and helps promote good quality, sound sleep. Acting exactly opposite to the effects of caffeine, valerian activates receptors that allow a tranquilizing sensation.

Hops Extract
A sedative botanical that increases GABA levels in the brain and has been used for hundreds of years to improve sleep quality.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
Increases alpha brain waves which promote calmness and relaxation while reducing beta waves which keep you alert and restless.

5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
Boosts the production of the “feel good hormone” serotonin by effectively crossing the blood-brain barrier unlike dietary tryptophan. Reduced anxiety and increased relaxation help you fall asleep faster.



Magnolia Bark Extract
Promotes the peaceful sensation that leads to the non-rapid eye movement phase of sleep. Honokiol is an active constituent in magnolia bark that is responsible for its sedative properties and support of uninterrupted sleep duration.

Valerian Extract
Reduces feelings of anxiety, decreases stress, and helps promote good quality, sound sleep. Acting exactly opposite to the effects of caffeine, valerian activates receptors that allow a tranquilizing sensation.

Hops Extract
A sedative botanical that increases GABA levels in the brain and has been used for hundreds of years to improve sleep quality.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
Increases alpha brain waves which promote calmness and relaxation while reducing beta waves which keep you alert and restless.

5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
Boosts the production of the “feel good hormone” serotonin by effectively crossing the blood-brain barrier unlike dietary tryptophan. Reduced anxiety and increased relaxation help you fall asleep faster.


Unplug gives you the most restorative sleep possible by supporting mental calmness and optimizing your sleep cycle. Sleep steady through the night and wake up alert, clear, and full of high functioning energy to propel your day.

Minimize Restlessness

Deep Sleep

Wake Up


Unplug gives you the most restorative sleep possible by supporting mental calmness and optimizing your sleep cycle. Sleep steady through the night and wake up alert, clear, and full of high functioning energy to propel your day.

Minimize Restlessness

Deep Sleep

Wake Up

Customer Reviews

Based on 142 reviews
Matt F.
Mellows Me Out

This stuff mellows me out before bed and doesn’t leave me feeling groggy the next morning like melatonin sometimes does.


Works like a charm I sleep so much better

Tyler B.
Way better than melatonin

This works as as it is described and designed I always sleep great and awaken refreshed with this stuff and it’s truly amazing definitely recommend

Daniel Fletcher

Product appears to work as advertised, would recommend

Ken Swasey
Restless night

Sleep comes easy…


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